e-Learning Blog

Grading options in Moodle

Grading options in Moodle

In Moodle, there are multiple ways to grade your student(s) work. Some popular activities that are commonly used to grade student work are the Assignment and Quiz activities. You may already be familiar with these activity types, however, today we will focus our...

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What is Moodle task automation?

What is Moodle task automation?

Scheduled tasks: Moodle allows administrators to schedule routine tasks. These tasks are often referred to as “scheduled tasks” and run in the background. These scheduled tasks should run on a regular schedule however, administrators have the ability to change the...

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Grade better with Rubric

Grade better with Rubric

Within Moodle, there are various methods for teachers to grade their students’ work. One of the most popular Moodle activities is the Assignment activity. With this activity, teachers can set up the grading method as follows: Simple direct grading Marking guide Rubric...

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