Moodle SCORM Activity Settings

Moodle SCORM Activity Settings

This blog post aims to assist users to better understand the new improvements made to the activity completion settings for SCORM packages in Moodle 4.1 when compared to Moodle 3.9.

Throughout this article, we will use Moodle 3.9 as a baseline example and compare how these same activity completion settings function in Moodle 4.1 for SCORM packages.

Let’s begin by setting up a SCORM activity in Moodle 3.9 with the following activity completion criteria defined:

SCORM activity in Moodle 3.9

In this example, for the activity to be marked complete for the user, they are required to:

  • View the activity
  • Require status
    • Achieve Completed status
    • Or, Require all scos to return completion status

Note: Based on the criteria defined above, in Moodle 3.9 and below, users must satisfy both the View activity criteria, and require one of the selected statuses (Completed, or Require all scos to return completion status) for the Require status criteria to be satisfied.

View activity criteria

Now let’s have our test user attempt the SCORM package:

    Attempt the SCORM package

    The user has achieved a ‘Passed’ status on the SCORM attempt and will have the SCORM activity module marked complete on their course page:

    Passed SCORM package

    This activity was marked complete because they satisfied the “View activity” and “Require all scos to return completion status” criteria. In summary, as long as one of the Require status criteria is met, it will satisfy the entire condition.

    Now let’s attempt the above process in Moodle 4.1 to demonstrate the improvements and how they function differently from Moodle 3.9.

    With the SCORM package activity completion setup identically to Moodle 3.9 above, here is how the SCORM package will appear for our students on the course page:

    SCORM package activity completion setup

    You will notice that the first difference is that the individual activity completion criteria are displayed to users on the course page.

    Let’s have our user attempt this SCORM package:

    users attempt this SCORM package

    The activity will appear as follows for the user on the course page:

    SCORM activity on course page

    Despite the package returning a ‘Passed’ status similar to Moodle 3.9, the activity is not marked complete for this student. Even though the packages are setup identically in Moodle 3.9 and Moodle 4.1, the package calculates activity completion differently in Moodle 4.1. In this updated version of Moodle, the activity completion criteria requires the student to satisfy ALL the criteria defined. In this scenario, the user is required to:

    • View the activity
    • Require the completion status (Complete the activity)
    • Require all scos to return completion status. (Do all parts of this activity)

    In summary, for the Require Status completion criteria to be marked complete, the user is required to satisfy both the nested conditions (Complete the activity and Do all parts of this activity) for it to be met. Comparing this to Moodle 3.9, the user was only required to satisfy one of the nested conditions.

    If you find that the activity completion requirements are no longer being met in your updated site we advise updating these settings for the SCORM activity by selecting only one of the choices for ‘passed’, ‘complete’ or ‘require all scos to return completion status’. You can apply this by:


    • creating a new SCORM activity and hiding/restricting the old one,
    • creating a new version of the course using the backup and restore functionality, updating the SCORM activity completion settings and enrolling new users into the updated version moving forward
    • unlocking the activity completion requirements and updating the current settings. If choosing to unlock the activity completion requirements, it is important to consider the implications of the loss of data by performing this action. 

    Integrate external learning activities within Moodle using the External Portfolio Plugin

    Integrate external learning activities within Moodle using the External Portfolio Plugin

    What is the External Portfolio Plugin

    The External Portfolio plugin provides trainees with the opportunity to upload evidence and details of previously completed learning activities conducted outside of Moodle. This plugin is a great solution for administrators aiming to integrate external learning activities into your Moodle learning environment. With this plugin, site administrators have the ability to create and manage pre-defined learning areas, to which trainees will submit evidence for it to be validated and graded by their trainers. Furthermore, site administrators can specify the maximum grade that trainers can assign to a learning activity, and the allowed upload file types for trainees uploading evidence.

    Student (trainee) perspective

    Students can access the External Activities page from their profile pages. By navigating to the Learning activities page, students are able to view all the learning areas created by their markers:

    Moodle External Activities page

    This page provides students with a visual representation of any learning area submissions, grades, and statuses associated with them. Furthermore, the table displays the submission and grading dates for each learning area.

    Upload new learning activities

    Students can upload new learning activities by specifying the following attributes:

    • Learning area: The learning area that this learning activity is being created for.
    • Learning activity name: The name of the learning activity.
    • Learning activity description: The description of the learning activity.
    • Completion date: The date on which the learning activity was completed (no future dates are allowed).
    • Completion evidence: Upload an evidence file providing proof that the learning activity was completed. The upload file must meet the accepted file types specified by the site administrator within the plugin settings.

    Marker (trainer) perspective

    Similar to students, by default site administrators can access the External Activities page from their profile page. Administrators (and users with permission) will be shown the Marking dashboard page instead of the Learning dashboard displayed to students.

    Upload new learning activities

    Marking dashboard

    The marking dashboard page allows administrators to manage learning areas, perform grading, and accept or reject submissions made by students.

    Learning activity summary

    Feedback can be assigned to valid submissions with a specified grade. The maximum grade available for submissions is defined at the plugin settings level set by the site administrator.

    Maximum grade

    The plugin also provides markers with the ability to provide Rejection feedback for student submissions.

    Moodle Rejection feedback
    2023 Award Winner – Moodle Certified Partner of the Year for the Third Consecutive Year in APAC Region!

    2023 Award Winner – Moodle Certified Partner of the Year for the Third Consecutive Year in APAC Region!

    We are ecstatic to share some incredible news that showcases our unwavering commitment to excellence in the eLearning industry. For the third year in a row, we have been honoured with the title of “Moodle Certified Partner of the Year for the APAC region!” This remarkable achievement is a testament to our relentless pursuit of innovation, dedication to providing top-notch eLearning solutions, and the exceptional teamwork that makes it all possible.

    Winning the Moodle Certified Partner of the Year award for three consecutive years is a monumental achievement that reflects our consistent dedication to excellence. It highlights our deep-rooted expertise in the Moodle platform and our ability to deliver exceptional eLearning experiences to clients throughout the APAC region.

    This prestigious award also underscores the trust and confidence that our clients and the Moodle community have in us. It signifies our commitment to transforming education through technology, helping institutions and organisations thrive in the digital age. We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to work with such inspiring clients and partners who continue to push the boundaries of eLearning.

    Our journey to this remarkable achievement would not have been possible without the exceptional individuals who make up our team. Each team member’s dedication, creativity, and relentless pursuit of excellence have set us apart as leaders in the eLearning industry. This award is a testament to our team’s passion for making a difference in education.

    Winning the Moodle Certified Partner of the Year for three consecutive years in the APAC region is a significant milestone in our journey to revolutionize eLearning. We are immensely proud of our team’s achievements, and this award fuels our determination to continue innovating and providing the best possible solutions to our clients.

    We want to extend our deepest gratitude to our clients, partners, and team members who have made this achievement possible. Together, we are shaping the future of education, one milestone at a time. Here’s to many more years of excellence and innovation in the eLearning industry!

    Our Products:

    Moodle Certified Partner of the Year

    Established in 2011, Lingel Learning has prided itself on its commitment to Moodle. With offices in Canada and Australia, we continue to deliver exceptional services to our clients across a range of industries such as Corporate, Government, Education and Not-for-profit.

    Lingel Learning offer its clients the benefit of using Moodle’s latest and greatest features along with enrolmart and the Virtual Slate framework that comes bundled with advanced plugins, integrations, and user-friendly dashboards.

    We are looking forward to the new year and helping our clients get the most out of their learning management systems.

      Seamlessly Integrate iMIS with Moodle using Virtual Slate LMS

      Seamlessly Integrate iMIS with Moodle using Virtual Slate LMS

      Leverage the power of iMIS, the leading Engagement Management System, with the seamless integration capabilities offered by Lingel Learning’s innovative Moodle plugin. The plugin brings together the robust functionalities of iMIS and the dynamic e-learning environment of Moodle, creating a unified experience that empowers businesses to drive engagement, personalize user interactions, and achieve growth. Explore how this integration revolutionizes user engagement and simplifies management tasks.

      Virtual Slate iMIS Plugin

      Understanding iMIS: An Engagement Management System (EMS)

      iMIS is more than just a system; it’s a holistic Engagement Management System (EMS) designed to optimize user engagement across various touchpoints. As the sole EMS with a global presence, iMIS serves as a pivotal tool for businesses looking to enhance user experiences. By effectively managing interactions such as product sales, event histories, training, and certifications, iMIS empowers businesses to tailor their offerings according to engagement trends, popularity, and demand. This system’s core focus is growth, achieved by consolidating business data with front-end services, seamlessly uniting data sources for a cohesive experience. Powered by Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform, iMIS ensures automatic upgrades, unmatched security, and peak performance.

      iMIS Features that Propel Engagement

      iMIS encompasses a comprehensive suite of features that pave the way for enhanced engagement and business growth:

      • CRM, Data, Website, and Membership Management: Seamlessly manage customer data, website content, and membership details in one integrated platform.
      • Integrations and Compatibility: Integrate with thousands of popular applications, streamlining processes and enhancing functionalities.
      • Events and Learning Management: Efficiently manage events and offer robust learning opportunities to your audience.
      • Certification and Product Sales: Streamline certification processes and manage online product sales seamlessly.
      • Email Marketing and Automation: Deliver targeted messages with ease and automate workflows for enhanced efficiency.
      • Dashboards and Reports: Gain valuable insights through comprehensive dashboards and reports, empowering data-driven decisions.

      Explore the full list of iMIS features here.


      Unlocking Seamless Integration: iMIS Moodle Integration with Lingel Learning

      While iMIS doesn’t inherently integrate with Moodle, Lingel Learning’s dedicated efforts have resulted in a breakthrough iMIS plugin for Moodle. This powerful integration simplifies and enhances the user experience. Key features include:

      • Two-Way Data Exchange: The plugin enables seamless data exchange between Moodle and iMIS, automating account creation, course enrollment, and progress tracking.
      • Course and Activity Synchronization: Course completion and activity status are seamlessly synchronized between Moodle and iMIS.
      • Group Information Updates: Any updates made to group information within iMIS are seamlessly reflected within the Moodle system.

      Experience the transformational benefits of integrating iMIS and Moodle through Lingel Learning’s iMIS integration plugin. This collaboration not only streamlines user engagement but also empowers businesses to harness the combined potential of two

      Why Choose Lingel Learning for your iMIS Integration?

      • iMIS plugin is included free with any Virtual Slate hosting plan
      • Virtual Slate is a custom framework built on top of Moodle, which means you get ALL Moodle features by default
      • 2-way exchange of information between iMIS and Moodle

      Enhancing Moodle with the Lingel Learning WordPress Integration Plugin

      Enhancing Moodle with the Lingel Learning WordPress Integration Plugin

      Bridging the gap

      Moodle, the renowned learning management system, empowers educators and learners worldwide. However, despite its robust features, Moodle lacks seamless integration with WordPress, a popular content management system (CMS). Fortunately, Lingel Learning, a Certified Moodle Partner, has developed a comprehensive plugin that bridges this gap. In this article, we will delve into how the Lingel Learning WordPress Integration Plugin can help overcome these challenges.

      Sell Moodle courses with WordPress

      Moodle Out of the Box

      Manual User Account Creation

      When instructors want to provide access to their Moodle courses, they must manually create user accounts. This process can be time-consuming, and challenging to manage for large-scale courses or rapidly growing user bases.

      Disconnected Course Management

      Without integration, administrators must manage course creation, updates, and deletions separately in both Moodle and WordPress. This disconnected approach can lead to inconsistent information and confusion.

      Limited E-commerce Integration

      If educators wish to sell their courses as products through WordPress, they face additional complexities. They may need to juggle multiple platforms, leading to potential payment processing issues, data discrepancies, and a fragmented user experience.

      Complicated Order Completion

      Handling course purchases through different systems can lead to confusion during order completion, leading to delays, potential disputes, and an overall dissatisfactory experience.

      The Lingel Learning WordPress Integration Plugin: A Comprehensive Solution

      Automated User Account Creation

      The plugin streamlines the user onboarding process by automatically creating user accounts on Moodle when they register on the WordPress website. This seamless integration ensures that learners can access their courses without any manual intervention.

      Course and Category Synchronization

      The plugin synchronizes course data between Moodle and WordPress, ensuring that any updates made in one platform reflect in the other instantly. This real-time synchronization saves time, reduces administrative overhead, and eliminates discrepancies.

      Effortless E-commerce Integration

      Lingel Learning’s plugin enables educators to transform their Moodle courses into products on WordPress effortlessly. This integration simplifies the selling and purchasing process, providing a cohesive user experience for course buyers.

      Order Confirmation Emails

      To keep learners informed, the plugin automatically sends order confirmation emails upon successful purchases. This automated communication ensures learners receive immediate confirmation and relevant course details.

      Why Choose Lingel Learning for your WordPress Integration?

      • Expertise and Certification: Lingel Learning is a certified Moodle provider with extensive experience in Moodle implementation and customization.
      • Customization Options: Lingel Learning’s plugin offers customization options, allowing educators to tailor the integration to their specific needs and preferences.
      • Proven Track Record: Lingel Learning has a successful track record of delivering high-quality Moodle solutions to clients worldwide.
      Virtual Slate integration with WordPress

      Lingel Learning WordPress Integration Plugin is a comprehensive integration, offering automated user account creation, course synchronization, and e-commerce integration, among other features. By choosing Lingel Learning, educators can ensure a seamless and efficient integration between Moodle and WordPress, providing learners with an enhanced and unified learning experience.

      Create engaging and interactive content in Moodle with H5P

      Create engaging and interactive content in Moodle with H5P

      What is H5P?

      H5P allows you to create rich HTML5 content within your Moodle LMS. H5P content can be easily shared, re-used, and embedded into various pages and sites across the internet. You should consider utilizing H5P activities if you strive to create more interactive, responsive, mobile-friendly content. H5P is a free and open-source technology that allows you to create immersive courses for your students.

      Add H5P content to LMS

      Ensure that you have the H5P activity plugin installed on your site before proceeding. You can find documentation for the H5P plugin by visiting:

      You can find examples and preset H5P content types to add to your LMS by navigating to:

      Select a content type that you wish to use. You can click the Reuse button in the bottom left of the H5P content type. You will then be prompted to download the (.h5p) file.

      Reuse Button

      Within your Moodle LMS, navigate to your Content Bank. On this page click the Upload button and drag and drop the H5P file you downloaded earlier. After the file has been uploaded, you can choose to edit the H5P content to your preference.

      Moodle Content Bank

      For example, the accordion H5P content type allows you to edit the accordion panel titles and body text.

      Accordion H5P content type

      The H5P activity will now be available within your content bank. You can also choose to add additional pre-defined Moodle H5P content types via the add button:

      H5P activity in the Moodle content bank

      Add H5P activity to a course

      H5P activities can be added to the course similar to other activities and resources.

      Moodle H5P activity

      When setting up the H5P activity, you can provide an Activity name, optional description, and package file. You can select the H5P file from the content bank that we created earlier.

      Moodle File Picker

      With H5P activities, you can also define additional attributes:

      H5P activities (define additional attributes)
      • Allow download: Whether the user is allowed to download the file H5P package.
      • Embed button: Whether the H5P package is allowed to be embedded.
      • Copyright button: Display the copyright button.

      What else can H5P do?

      H5P content is not just restricted to course modules, it can be used in a variety of ways. In your text editor, you can find the H5P button. Afterwards, you can click the Browse repositories button to select the H5P package you modified earlier within the content bank.

      Text Editor

      For example, you may want to add the H5P content to a course label. Try adding some interactive H5P content to your course page via the label resource.

      Add H5P content to a course label

      H5P content can also be added to page resources: 

      Add H5P content to page resources

      H5P activities can also be added to HTML Moodle blocks.

      Add H5P activities to HTML Moodle blocks

      H5P can be used in a variety of ways. You are not just restricted to the H5P activity. The next time you are using Moodle, be on the lookout for the H5P button within the text editor. We are positive that H5P will help make your course stand out to your students.