Mobile Learning

Mobile Learning is a growing genre and is fast becoming standard for many organisations.

M-learning is rapidly revolutionising education

It is being widely adopted as an effective and opportune way to implement e-learning solutions. We can deliver digital learning or entertainment experiences to anyone anywhere with no compromise in quality. If we can do it on a PC, we can do it on an iPad.

Mobile Learning with Virtual Slate LMS
Responsive Design with M-learning

M-learning is quickly becoming an essential part of many corporate training strategies

We produce brilliant, fresh HTML5 that runs on all HTML5-enabled devices including iPad, iPhone, iPod as well as all modern desktop browsers. All of our courses can be made SCORM compliant and can be deployed on any LMS.

MoodleMoot Australia 2024

MoodleMoot Australia 2024

Get Ready for the Learning Experience of the Year: Lingel Learning at MoodleMoot Australia 2024! Lingel Learning is thrilled to announce our participation in MoodleMoot Melbourne, Australia 26-27 November! This year’s event, set to take place in vibrant Melbourne,...

First Steps to Take When Improving Moodle Performance

First Steps to Take When Improving Moodle Performance

Improving the performance of a Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) is critical for enhancing user experience and ensuring efficient and smooth operation. If you're looking to boost your Moodle's performance, here are the initial steps you should consider: 1....

Articulate Training


Storyline 3

Storyline 3

Articulate 360

Articulate 360

Articulate Storyline 2

Storyline 2

Take the next step in your mLearning

An mLearning expert is just a phone call or email away

13 + 1 =

Special Olympics Canada
Westland Insurance
Gallagher Bassett
Government of Victoria - Department of Health and Human Services
Premium Health
RACS | Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Hepatitis Victoria
WEP Student Exchange Programs
Australian Physiotherapy Association
Tourism Noosa
The Coaching Institute
digital opportunity trust