Moodle SCORM Activity Settings

Moodle SCORM Activity Settings

This blog post aims to assist users to better understand the new improvements made to the activity completion settings for SCORM packages in Moodle 4.1 when compared to Moodle 3.9.

Throughout this article, we will use Moodle 3.9 as a baseline example and compare how these same activity completion settings function in Moodle 4.1 for SCORM packages.

Let’s begin by setting up a SCORM activity in Moodle 3.9 with the following activity completion criteria defined:

SCORM activity in Moodle 3.9

In this example, for the activity to be marked complete for the user, they are required to:

  • View the activity
  • Require status
    • Achieve Completed status
    • Or, Require all scos to return completion status

Note: Based on the criteria defined above, in Moodle 3.9 and below, users must satisfy both the View activity criteria, and require one of the selected statuses (Completed, or Require all scos to return completion status) for the Require status criteria to be satisfied.

View activity criteria

Now let’s have our test user attempt the SCORM package:

    Attempt the SCORM package

    The user has achieved a ‘Passed’ status on the SCORM attempt and will have the SCORM activity module marked complete on their course page:

    Passed SCORM package

    This activity was marked complete because they satisfied the “View activity” and “Require all scos to return completion status” criteria. In summary, as long as one of the Require status criteria is met, it will satisfy the entire condition.

    Now let’s attempt the above process in Moodle 4.1 to demonstrate the improvements and how they function differently from Moodle 3.9.

    With the SCORM package activity completion setup identically to Moodle 3.9 above, here is how the SCORM package will appear for our students on the course page:

    SCORM package activity completion setup

    You will notice that the first difference is that the individual activity completion criteria are displayed to users on the course page.

    Let’s have our user attempt this SCORM package:

    users attempt this SCORM package

    The activity will appear as follows for the user on the course page:

    SCORM activity on course page

    Despite the package returning a ‘Passed’ status similar to Moodle 3.9, the activity is not marked complete for this student. Even though the packages are setup identically in Moodle 3.9 and Moodle 4.1, the package calculates activity completion differently in Moodle 4.1. In this updated version of Moodle, the activity completion criteria requires the student to satisfy ALL the criteria defined. In this scenario, the user is required to:

    • View the activity
    • Require the completion status (Complete the activity)
    • Require all scos to return completion status. (Do all parts of this activity)

    In summary, for the Require Status completion criteria to be marked complete, the user is required to satisfy both the nested conditions (Complete the activity and Do all parts of this activity) for it to be met. Comparing this to Moodle 3.9, the user was only required to satisfy one of the nested conditions.

    If you find that the activity completion requirements are no longer being met in your updated site we advise updating these settings for the SCORM activity by selecting only one of the choices for ‘passed’, ‘complete’ or ‘require all scos to return completion status’. You can apply this by:


    • creating a new SCORM activity and hiding/restricting the old one,
    • creating a new version of the course using the backup and restore functionality, updating the SCORM activity completion settings and enrolling new users into the updated version moving forward
    • unlocking the activity completion requirements and updating the current settings. If choosing to unlock the activity completion requirements, it is important to consider the implications of the loss of data by performing this action. 

    2023 Award Winner – Moodle Certified Partner of the Year for the Third Consecutive Year in APAC Region!

    2023 Award Winner – Moodle Certified Partner of the Year for the Third Consecutive Year in APAC Region!

    We are ecstatic to share some incredible news that showcases our unwavering commitment to excellence in the eLearning industry. For the third year in a row, we have been honoured with the title of “Moodle Certified Partner of the Year for the APAC region!” This remarkable achievement is a testament to our relentless pursuit of innovation, dedication to providing top-notch eLearning solutions, and the exceptional teamwork that makes it all possible.

    Winning the Moodle Certified Partner of the Year award for three consecutive years is a monumental achievement that reflects our consistent dedication to excellence. It highlights our deep-rooted expertise in the Moodle platform and our ability to deliver exceptional eLearning experiences to clients throughout the APAC region.

    This prestigious award also underscores the trust and confidence that our clients and the Moodle community have in us. It signifies our commitment to transforming education through technology, helping institutions and organisations thrive in the digital age. We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to work with such inspiring clients and partners who continue to push the boundaries of eLearning.

    Our journey to this remarkable achievement would not have been possible without the exceptional individuals who make up our team. Each team member’s dedication, creativity, and relentless pursuit of excellence have set us apart as leaders in the eLearning industry. This award is a testament to our team’s passion for making a difference in education.

    Winning the Moodle Certified Partner of the Year for three consecutive years in the APAC region is a significant milestone in our journey to revolutionize eLearning. We are immensely proud of our team’s achievements, and this award fuels our determination to continue innovating and providing the best possible solutions to our clients.

    We want to extend our deepest gratitude to our clients, partners, and team members who have made this achievement possible. Together, we are shaping the future of education, one milestone at a time. Here’s to many more years of excellence and innovation in the eLearning industry!

    Our Products:

    Moodle Certified Partner of the Year

    Established in 2011, Lingel Learning has prided itself on its commitment to Moodle. With offices in Canada and Australia, we continue to deliver exceptional services to our clients across a range of industries such as Corporate, Government, Education and Not-for-profit.

    Lingel Learning offer its clients the benefit of using Moodle’s latest and greatest features along with enrolmart and the Virtual Slate framework that comes bundled with advanced plugins, integrations, and user-friendly dashboards.

    We are looking forward to the new year and helping our clients get the most out of their learning management systems.

      7 ways you can make your Moodle courses more interactive

      7 ways you can make your Moodle courses more interactive

      Making Moodle courses more interactive is a great way to engage students and increase their participation and retention. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make your Moodle courses more interactive: 

      Use multimedia

      Moodle allows you to add multimedia elements such as videos, images, and audio to your courses. By incorporating these elements, you can make your courses more engaging and interactive. For example, you can use videos to introduce new concepts, images to illustrate key points, and audio to provide audio instructions. You can also use screen recording tools to create interactive video tutorials that can be used to guide students through a particular process or concept.

      Use multimedia

      Use forums and discussion boards

      Moodle has built-in forums and discussion boards that allow students to interact with each other and with the teacher. These tools can be used to facilitate discussions, ask questions, and provide feedback. By creating open-ended questions or discussions, you can encourage students to express their opinions and share their thoughts. You can also use these tools to create peer-review assignments, where students can provide feedback on each other’s work.

      Moodle forums & discussion boards

      Use quizzes and assessments

      Moodle has a variety of quizzes and assessments that can be used to test students’ knowledge and understanding. These tools can be used to provide immediate feedback and to encourage students to participate more actively in the course. You can also use these tools to create interactive quizzes, where students can get immediate feedback on their answers and see explanations for the correct answers.

      Moodle quizzes and assessments

      Advanced Reporting

      Moodle provides a great selection of reports for both administrators and teachers to conduct their e-learning. Despite this wide array of reports, some administrators and teachers may require additional reports that provide their organisations with advanced information. With Virtual Slate, our interactive dashboards allow you to report against your courses, activities, and users and view detailed reports.


      Use collaborative tools

      Moodle has a variety of collaborative tools such as wikis, blogs, and group assignments that allow students to work together on projects and assignments. These tools can be used to encourage collaboration and teamwork among students. By creating group projects, you can foster a sense of community among students, and give them opportunities to learn from each other.

      Moodle Collaborative tools

      Use gamification techniques

      Gamification is the use of game elements and design techniques in non-game contexts. You can use gamification techniques to make your Moodle courses more interactive and engaging by incorporating elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards. By making learning feel like a game, students will be more motivated to participate and engage with the course material.

      Moodle Badges and Gamification

      Use feedback and analytics

      Moodle has built-in analytics and feedback tools that allow you to track student progress and engagement. These tools can be used to identify areas where students are struggling and to adjust your teaching methods accordingly. By using these tools, you can get a better sense of what’s working and what’s not, and make changes to your courses to make them more interactive and effective.

      Feedback and analytics

      Incorporating these tips and tricks into your Moodle courses can help to make them more interactive and engaging for your students. However, it’s important to remember that every class and every student is different, so it may take some experimentation to find the best approach for your specific situation. Don’t be afraid to ask for student feedback, and be open to adjusting your approach as needed. With the right strategies in place, you can create an interactive and engaging learning experience that will help your students to succeed.

      Gen-z and millennials in the workplace: how do they learn?

      Gen-z and millennials in the workplace: how do they learn?

      In the last decade, 2 new generations have entered the workforce. Millennials and Gen-Z.

      Both seem to be a similar age group, so what’s the difference in how they learn at work? Well, the generational gap has widened, technology has grown exponentially over the last 10 years and these two groups of young people grew up in two very different worlds.

      This means they definitely have some varying wants and needs when it comes to how they operate and learn in the workplace.

      Here at Lingel, learning styles are what we do best. Let’s look at some of the different ways Millennials & Gen-Z learn at work and what drives their decisions around this.


      Enter the Millennial, born approximately between 1981 and 1994 – they grew up with the internet, but not social media. Most can remember 9/11 and the early days of MySpace and Facebook as teenagers.

      WHAT IS GEN-Z?

      Followed by their younger siblings, Gen-Z consists of current pre-teens, teenagers and those in their early-mid 20s, with birth years falling somewhere around 1997 to 2012. These young people are heavy users of Tik-Tok, have a distinctive sense of humour centred around mid-2010s internet culture, despise skinny jeans and will laugh at you if you still have a side-part in your hair.

      Honourable mention to the ‘Zillennials’, a cusper generation born around the mid-90s. With a blurry memory of 9/11 and a slight Tik-Tok addiction, they may have a middle parting in their hair but they will also still have skinny jeans in their closet.


      The new kids on the block, these folks have no recollection of a world without social media. With their parents having posted their baby pictures on Facebook in the late 00s and early 10s, there has never been a period of their life completely offline.

      When applying for jobs, there is no need for them to declare themselves as ‘computer literate’, capable of using Microsoft office or even let you know their

      typing speed. These traits are intrinsic to their identity as a generation and have become a given.


      As a result of their technology dominated upbringing, Gen-Z are not just digital natives, but digital experts. They spent their early years learning with a mix of computers and tablets in school rather than predominantly textbooks, pens and pencils.

      Now, university aged, many are learning solely online due to the pandemic and the rise of online learning. It’s very likely this will carry over after graduation and continue in carving out the new remote-workplace culture.


      E-learning is neither a new nor novel concept to Gen-Z and when it comes to how they gather information at work, this is the key to retaining them as employees. Gen-Z generally crave independent learning, working from home with a plethora of online resources, software and tech-heavy duties.

      Short and fast bursts of communication with channels like Slack are essential to retaining Gen-Z talent, having instantaneous ways to ask questions and vast amounts of resources is fundamental to their learning process. The old ways of ‘this is the way we’ve always done it’ will not keep your Gen-Z talent around for long.

      These young people are naturally hungry for innovation and optimisation through technology, as well as a need for quick responses, having been raised with instant messenger services at their fingertips. Outside of work they practice these skills by taking in large and fast amounts of information via Tik-Tok and Snapchat, naturally this immediacy translates into the workplace.

      With a strong reputation for being eco-conscious, they see office commutes as not only pointless but bad for the environment. Gen-Z already have all the technology they need to do their job at home, they learn easily in the comfort of their ready-to-go, personal home offices/bedrooms.


      Younger Millennials will remember a world without social media, but not without the internet. For the vast majority, much of their school life was spent learning the ins and outs of how to use a computer, rather than using one to learn.

      Older Millennials are much the same, but on a much more simplistic scale and without the influence of mainstream pop-culture intertwining into their first experience of computers.


      Millennials are generally more in favour than Gen-Z of working in the office and can appreciate mixed collaboration as well as independence. Many are not team #WFH as they value the in-person, social aspect of learning at work, likely stemming from the ethics that their baby-boomer parents instilled in them from a young age.

      However, plenty do prefer a hybrid model to working, unopposed to the new flexibility of remote work, but excited to meet with their colleagues for discussion on a project a few days a week (or a game of ping-pong and a craft beer)

      Millennials also tend to favour open-plan and collaborative workspaces for brainstorming ideas and see the benefits these environments can bring. Having entered the workforce pre-pandemic at a time when ‘Buzzfeed’ office videos were all the rage – the trendy, open workspaces, casual dress codes and wine- Fridays are still very appealing to them to feel supported in their workplace learning.


      Luckily for Millennials, they are naturally adaptable, having grown up in a time when the world’s economic and sociological attitudes were shifting exponentially, rolling with the punches through the throws of the Third Industrial Revolution, information technology had already completely changed the landscape of the working world, taking everything from paper to digital since the last quarter of the 20th Century – rapid change has always been a certainty for them.

      The overnight switch to remote work and e-learning is far from the greatest challenge they have faced collectively. To encourage Millennials to adopt a remote work style, their success will be contingent on allowing them to feel supported even when potentially working from across the globe.

      Clear and consistent communication through channels like Slack, Monday, Zoom calls and Email will help to alleviate any feelings of loneliness and isolation whilst transitioning to life outside the traditional office space.

      Finally, a solid foundation of training and support when working is a key factor in retaining Millennial talent. That’s where Learning Management Systems come in, an LMS is an online platform to complete courses, training and other work related learning. Having this key area where a Millennial employee can take control of their learning will give them the company-specific knowledge they need to succeed at work.


      By giving your team the tools for training and professional development, you provide them with a sense of autonomy and the confidence to take charge of their own learning within their position. This helps combat any doubts or feelings of ‘Imposter Syndrome’, a documented phenomenon in the workplace where perfectly qualified individuals feel lacking in their skills and abilities due to low confidence and feelings of unfamiliarity.

      Since both have a strong need to work with technology, both inside and outside of the traditional office space, you’ll need a Learning Management System – specifically one that works intuitively, remotely and stays up to date with evolving technology for your younger employees.

      Luckily, we’ve got you covered with our product, Virtual Slate: – with everything you need in one place, you can help your younger employees manage their learning and training with ease.

      Don’t forget to stay connected with us on social media:

      2021 Moodle Award Winner – Certified Service Provider of the Year (APAC region)

      2021 Moodle Award Winner – Certified Service Provider of the Year (APAC region)

      Lingel Learning is proud to announce we are the winners of ‘Moodle Certified Service Provider of the Year 2021 (APAC region)’. The dedicated team at Lingel Learning have excelled this past year in developing and delivering innovative solutions to give our clients the most effective Learning Management System experience possible.

      2021 Moodle Award Winner – Certified Service Provider of the Year (APAC region)

      The incredible support we received from our clients, our collaboration with Moodle, along with the drive of the Lingel Learning team, has allowed us to celebrate this outstanding achievement today. As a Moodle Partner, we have been deemed experts in our field of educational technology.

      2021 has brought new opportunities for Lingel Learning. Over the course of the pandemic, the massive popularity of e-learning has been both rewarding and challenging for us. We have risen to the occasion and measurably accelerated our products, listening to common pain-points from our customers and tweaking our features to deliver what our valued clients need.

        2021 Moodle Certified Service Provider Awards

        Established in 2011, Lingel Learning has prided itself on its commitment to Moodle. With offices in Canada and Australia, we continue to deliver exceptional services to our clients across a range of industries such as Corporate, Government, Education and Not-for-profit.

        Lingel Learning offer its clients the benefit of using Moodle’s latest and greatest features along with enrolmart and the Virtual Slate framework that comes bundled with advanced plugins, integrations, and user-friendly dashboards.

        We’re looking forward to 2022 and continuing to help our clients get the most out of their online learning platform.

        How to define learner time in an elearning course

        How to define learner time in an elearning course

        So your boss wants to know how many pages of content can fit into the one hour long elearning course that all employees must participate in; or, your team leader asks how long the powerpoint you are going to convert will take the end users to complete in their learning path. In another scenario, your client asks you what will be the end learning result when you convert a 50 slide powerpoint into online learning. If any of these scenarios sound familiar to you, you could be wondering how to determine a definitive answer to the mystery that is calculating elearning course time?

        This is a common and often debated question amongst Subject Matter Experts and Course Creator’s alike.

        calculating learning time

        Many factors come into consideration when calculating learning time. It is difficult to determine learner time based on slide count or even course content text pages, because of many factors.
        Some of these factors are as follows:

        • Type of content , some content leans to descriptive paragraphs and images that support. Some is best portrayed with complex, labeled diagrams or multiple layers and animations. A slide with some text and images will take much less time than a slide with complicated layers, video or animation. A level 3 interactive game based course will take much longer than the 1-2 minutes a learner might spend on text slide or a click and reveal.
        • Learner variation: learners come in all different shapes and sizes! Just as in traditional classroom settings, learners don’t come in a one size fits all package. Everyone learns at different rates. One learner could whizz through a slide in 45 seconds while another could slowly read through the content and digest it in 4 minutes. When estimating learner time, we need to account for this diversity.
        • Technological proficiency: similarly, some learners will be more technologically in tune than others. They will click click the next button, and sail through the interactions in no time. Other users may take 15-30 seconds working out which buttons to press in order to reveal content, or to turn the page.

        There is no ‘one size fits all’ calculation to determine seat time for an elearning course. After our own inhouse debate, and then scouring the web, we found various thoughts on how many words and slides constitute an hour of learning.

        calculation to determine seat time for an elearning course

        Many elearning developers believe that approximately 50 slides or content screens equal 1 hour of e-Learning, and a 10,000 word script is also equal to 1 hour of e-Learning. This is of course subjective and dependent on the factors listed above. However, if you need a broad guide, use this as a starting point.

        Next assistance with course development, find out more.