Business Skills
Showing all 5 results
Business Writing
$899.00The amount of detail you provide in business writing is an important consideration. On the one hand, you need to provide enough details for your audience to understand your message. On the other hand, providing too much detail can result in lengthy text that people may not have time or interest in reading.
This course will cover the following topics:
- The Importance of Business Writing
- Business Writing Structure
- Planning Business Writing
- Purpose, Audience, Tone, Research & Resourcesv
- Using Templates
- Persuasive Writing
- Details / Conciseness Balance
- Active Vs Passive Voice
- Checking your Document for Clarity
- Using a Style Guide
- Editing and Review Techniques
- Avoiding Common Errors
What’s included in this published SCORM course:
- Published SCORM file in zip format
- Includes images and content
- Flash and HTML5 output
What other options are available?
- SCORM Source
- LTI Course
- Moodle Course
- Custom branded
If you are interested in any other formats, contact us today!
Conflict Resolution
$899.00We all have our own needs, wants, goals and values. However, we must work together and build relationships to achieve most of goals we have in our lifetimes, such as achieving workplace objectives, marriage, creating a family, and contributing to society.
This course will cover the following topics:
- Conflict in the Workplace
- Why conflict occurs
- Ways of Resolving Conflict
- Counterproductive Behaviours
- Types of bias
- Bias & Unconscious Bias
- Conflict Resolution Process
- Identify the issue
- Listen, be respectful and build trust
- Seek to Understand
- Explain how you feel
- Ask the person to work with you to find a solution
- Agree on actions
- Working with Difficult People
What’s included in this published SCORM course:
- Published SCORM file in zip format
- Includes images and content
- Flash and HTML5 output
What other options are available?
- SCORM Source
- LTI Course
- Moodle Course
- Custom branded
If you are interested in any other formats, contact us today!
Ergonomics Off the Shelf Course
$899.00Ergonomics is the way in which work space and equipment interact with the people who use them. Something is said to be ‘ergonomic’ in design, if it supports the health and well-being of the person using it.
This course will cover the following topics:
- What is Ergonomics?
- Reducing injury
- Ergonomic Hazards
- How does ergonomics impact on the workplace?
- Back Pain
- Benefits of workplace ergonomics
- What are safe work practices?
- WHS considerations for ergonomics
- Following work procedures and instructions
What’s included in this published SCORM course:
- Published SCORM file in zip format
- Includes images and content
- Flash and HTML5 output
What other options are available?
- SCORM Source
- LTI Course
- Moodle Course
- Custom branded
If you are interested in any other formats, contact us today!
$899.00Mentoring is a powerful development tool that is based on a partnership between two people (the mentor and the mentee). The Mentor is the senior, experienced partner in the relationship, and through building mutual trust and respect, leads the Mentee on a journey of self discovery and professional enrichment.
This course will cover the following topics:
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Coaching & Mentoring in the workplace
- Benefits of Mentoring
- Mentoring Process
- Identify a Suitable Mentor
- Building the Relationship
- Understanding Needs
- Develop and Agree on a Plan
- Work to the Plan
- Breaking Myths
- Behaviours that support mentoring
- Mentee Qualities
- Mentoring Evaluation
What’s included in this published SCORM course:
- Published SCORM file in zip format
- Includes images and content
- Flash and HTML5 output
What other options are available?
- SCORM Source
- LTI Course
- Moodle Course
- Custom branded
If you are interested in any other formats, contact us today!
Social Media in the Workplace
$899.00Social Media usually refers to a digital platform that can be used for sharing content and interacting with other people. There can be both positive and negative implications of using social media in the workplace.
This course will cover the following topics:
- What is social media
- Benefits of using social media in the workplace
- Risks associated with social media in the workplace
- Management of social media use
- Appropriate use of social media
- Inappropriate use of social media
- Consequences of inappropriate use of social media
- Social media privacy settings
- Social media recruitment
- Cyber bullying
- Warning: Your message could have severe consequences
- Can social media fuel conflict?
- Social media and diversity
- Positive applications of social media
What’s included in this published SCORM course:
- Published SCORM file in zip format
- Includes images and content
- Flash and HTML5 output
What other options are available?
- SCORM Source
- Moodle Course
- LTI Course
If you are interested in any other formats, contact us today!
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